A Great Reminder and A Fun Priest

 Last July 14 we watched Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. But we attended the mass first in Glorietta. The priest was Father Arman. My moms knows him because he sometimes presides the masses in Ayala Tower. His homily was great, the gospel for that day was all about the good samaritan and love for your neighbors. These are the things that he said:

"Why can't college students love their fellow college students just because they have a different colored uniform in the UAAP games."

That was really funny and well it is true I mean why can't we love our fellow students from other school just because we compete with them in games. Why can't we love our opponent in games or politics or even for honors, it is wrong if your reasons is becaues" he or she is my opponent therefore I hate him or her". That is wrong. "Love your enemies" a great reminder. Father Arman was a fun priest not just because he makes us laugh in his homily but also his homliy is clear foe everybody. We bought the magazine that he publishes it's called "CodeRed" from 120 to 50 pesos new issue and its half for adults and half for kids.

"Love you enemies", a great reminder from a fun priest.


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